Saturday, November 28, 2009

Perpetuum Jazzile - Africa (live, HQ)

This is a cool video! Very talented!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Girls!

Here are the girls (Kara, Crista and Lisa) enjoying a special Baskin Robbins treat!! Aren't they cute? (They are sitting on Kara's bed, in her room. Guess what? That is not what her walls look like anymore. They got painted!)

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Well, it took me a day or two (okay closer to a month...!), but here is a picture of Lisa celebrating her birthday!! Don't worry. She only turned 30!!! That is a lot of candles. It's a good thing that we had the fire department on speed dial!! It was fun having her be here to party. Love you Lisa!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Steve!

Hey Steve! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!! Love, The Duncan's!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

JK Wedding Entrance Dance -- Corrected Aspect Ratio

Someone shared this on Facebook...I thought it was too fun not to share here!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sand Mountain Fun!

Don't we have the cutest kids ever!!! We took these pics while at Sand Mountain this January. We had a great time together!! Aren't these two so cute!

Oh, what happened here? Lisa, did you pinch Sam?

The Newlyweds!!!

Robert's new look!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Torrey Utah

So for the past three years I have joined Chris and his family for a trip to Capital Reef National Park in Southern Utah (very close to Torrey). We stay in a cabin with friends of the family who have been going every Memorial Day weekend for about thirty years now. This year we had the biggest group at the cabin since I have been attending which was seventeen people. Chris and I usually set up a tent outside of the cabin while everyone else just finds a corner to set up shop in. The food is by far the best part of the trip as the attendees are a bunch of foodies who know what they are doing. Some of what we enjoyed this week was payaya, white chicken chili with fancy pants quesadilla and bison meatloaf. There is also plenty of cribbage, wine, reading and good conversation to keep us entertained. In addition to eating we do manage to go on a hike each day that we are there. It's definitely one of my favorite weekends of the year. So here are a few pictures of our hike and some of the scenery of the park.
My shoes after a very muddy hike, the pictures below are of our hike the next day which proved to not be so dirty.

The last picture is the view of the park from our cabin which is surrounded by next to nothing. Also, if you didn't figure it out already the group picture is of most of the folks who were with us.

Friday, May 22, 2009

DANCE TRAIN STATION BELGIUM do-re-mi The Sound of Music - Julie Andrews

Okay, one of my cute friends sent this to me! It's AWESOME! Take the time to watch it. You'll really like it! I think we need to plan something like this!! But where? Do you think they'd notice at the Silver Dollar Fair?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here are some more pics from our Spring Break trip. This is at Bryce Canyon. We took a pretty fun little hike here. Not as rigorous as the Angel's Landing Hike, but it really had some stunning views! The weather was a bit cooler and there was snow on the ground. (Be looking for the pic of that in the future.) We only spent one day here, but I think it would be fun to come back again.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Amazing Race 14 - Episode # 12 / Part 5

The things that Luke and Margie share here are so sweet. They seem to be a great family.

The Amazing Race 14 - Surfboard Memory

I thought for sure Margie and Luke would win!!! I really wanted them to, but what can you do. At least this time I was okay with any of the final 3 teams winning. Good job to Victor and Tammy! Maybe Margie and Luke will be back on an allstar race....

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers day - The Mom Song( funny!!)

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Amazing Race 14 - Episode # 11 / Part 3

Okay, this eating challenge was DISGUSTING!! It made me want to gag! Jamie and Cara are AMAZING for getting that gross food down so fast. But, they lose points for taking so long to find the U-Turn! Can't say I'm sorry to Jen and Kisha gone. They were not my favorite team. I would have liked to see them be gone some time ago.... Looking forward to the final episode to see who wins!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Angels Landing at Zion!!!

The "big" hike we made at Zion is called Angel's Landing. This first picture is a view from the "end" of the hike we took at Zion's. It was a 2 1/2 mile one way hike. (It seemed way longer!!) Here is a website you can see a short little video about it here: It was amazing! I have to say I was a little freaked out at the top. Robert was running around like no big deal. All I could see was him tripping and falling to his death!!! (I know, I'm a dork....) I'm not sure I'd ever do this hike again. One of our friends, Shauna, who went with us, had just done this hike 2 weeks before. She's amazing!! Everyone made it to the 2 mile point. Only 2 "kids" stopped there. We actually ran into several adults who started up that last 1/2 mile and turned around. So, everyone in our group was fabulous for making it as far as they did!! The weather that day was lovely. Really sunny and warm. (I was a little over dressed...., but I'm always afraid I'm going to be cold!!!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Amazing Race S14E09 P5/5

Okay, Jen and Kisha are so out of line!!! They are not very nice people!!! I don't remember any other team being so mean to another team. It is totally uncalled for. And, I can't say I'm sorry to see those brother go. Did they not know the rules??? They have issues!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Double Your Pleasure

I am totally impressed with this video! It's really cute! Mom and Dad, I think they borrowed some of your moves!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

We're still celebrating your birthday, Patti!

Okay, this pic is a day late, but worth the wait!! I'm not sure how old my adorable sister is in this pic, but she's a cutie! Hope you like this picture!!! Happy Birthday, Patti!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Patti!

Today, is the day Patti celebrates her birthday special birthday before her 50th!! (How do you like the way I am letting you know she's 49?!?!) I looked for a pic of Patti and I, but didn't have one close by. So, check back tomorrow and you'll see a good one! Happy Birthday Patti!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Amazing Race 14 - Meet Margaret and Luke

Okay, this is one of the teams that is on The Amazing Race right now. I would be happy if this team won!! They were a little surprising last night in their actions. But, it goes to show they understand it's a game not personal. It reminds me of Rob and Amber! I was cracking up at all the team members who didn't know who the Russian Author was. Mostly cuz that's really embarassing. (I know, I wouldn't know it was.) I kept saying to the tv, think Star Trek, think Star Trek!!!! Looking forward to next weeks episode!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Isn't this the sweetest!

You know those e-mails that go around with adorable pics on them? I got one from Patti and several of the pics are going to show up here. They are so great. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weeping & Wailing, & Gnashing of Teeth!

Okay, you're probably wondering what the heck is up with that title! Well, Kara had a very bad day on Monday. She was scheduled for a procedure/test (colonoscopy) March 2nd. She prepped on Sunday (which we all know is the absolute worst part) and barely survived. On Monday, we got up, went to the hospital and checked in at 9:30 AM. She hadn't eaten since Saturday night, which for an 18 year old is a very long time!! We got all settled in, the nurse had a little trouble finding a vein for her iv. They called another nurse over and she got it on the first try. Wahoo! (Mostly wahoo from Kara!) Then it was wait her turn. We both read until they wheeled her into the "room". I went out in the waiting area and chilled until called back in after the procedure. When I got to Kara they mentioned she was having a little trouble waking up. Well, that turned out to be only part of the problem. She started crying, hyperventilating, twitching and not being able to talk to us or open her eyes. (I was starting to have major dejavu and didn't really like it!!) Well, I immediately called Robert and he came over. Then for 2 hours this went on!! They tried to get a blood gas from her, it took me, the nurse, the cna, and Robert to hold her down to get the draw!! She was thrashing about and not cooperative at all!! (Can't say as I blame her, they hurt!) They came back and tried to do a second one. I had to leave the room. Robert helped, but they couldn't get it. She was too agitated. So, her GI Doctor comes in and sees her, and he lifts her eye lids and her eyes are looking different directions. His question to me was "Can she normally do that?" Are you kidding me??? I told him, not that I know of!!! So, with her history after having her gall bladder removed (remember that story?) they were ready to admit her. They were calling in other doctors to evaluate her, blah, blah, blah. It had already been decided she was having a paradoxical reaction to Verced. (the medication they use for sedation) Well, at the end of those 2 hours, Kara opened her eyes and began being present with us. I'm telling you it was an AWFUL 2 hours. She doesn't remember any of it because the med apparently gives you amnesia!! (Lucky for her) She didn't have to stay in the hopsital, got to come home and was finally able to eat something. We got home about 6:00 PM. It was a really long day. But all is well and there didn't seem to be anything bad on the test. Wahoo!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How to Use You're and Your

How to Use You're and Your

Wrong! (In more ways than one!)

A frighteningly large percentage of individuals fail to understand the difference between the words "you're" and "your". Here is a quick and dirty crash course on this common usage problem.


  1. Understand the proper usage of the word you're. It is a contraction, or a combination of the words you and are. Other examples of contractions include doesn't, they're, and can't.
    • "You're a good friend." ("YOU ARE a good friend.")
    • "I don't know what you're talking about." ("I don't know what YOU ARE talking about.")
  2. Understand the proper usage of the word your. The word your is the possessive form of you, referring to something that a person has, or something that belongs to the person in discussion [or, the person you are talking to].
    • "Is your stomach growling?"
    • "Your book is on the table."
  3. Take a look at some examples. Each of the following examples shows an incorrect use of your/you're, and why it is incorrect.
    • "I can't read you're handwriting."
      • Incorrect because the contraction for "you are" is being used as the possessive form of you. It should be replaced with "your". Would "I can't read you are handwriting" make sense?
    • "If your hungry, then you should probably eat something."
      • Incorrect because there is no possession in question. This should be replaced with you're, or you are. Would "If my hungry..." make sense?
    • "Your very smart."
      • Again, incorrect. The "very smart" does not belong to the person that you are talking to—this doesn't make any sense. Replace your with you're, or you are.
  4. Keep in mind that the word your will never be followed by the words the, a, or an.
  5. Remember that the word your will usually not be followed by an adjective [a word that describes], when that adjective is describing the person that you are talking to. In other words, saying "Your very kind" or "Your stupid" will almost never be correct. "Your very kind" or "your stupid" would be correct if they were describing a noun.
    • "Your nice son brought me my coat."
      • Here, your nice is correct because nice is describing the person's son.


  • Remember that you're is actually a combination of two words and thus fulfills two very important roles in a sentence or clause. Because it includes both a pronoun and a verb, you're will always be the subject and at least part of the verb of any clause in which it appears.
  • Try replacing “your” or “you’re” with “you are” if you are unsure which to use. If the sentence makes sense, use “you’re.” Remember that only “you’re” is a contraction, and it omits the letter “a.” The apostrophe in “you’re” signifies the omission of the letter “a.” If the sentence does not make sense, you will know to use “your.”
  • For example:
    • “You’re a good writer!” You are a good writer!”
      “You are” makes sense in this sentence, so you can use “you’re.”
    • ”I cannot read you're handwriting.” "I cannot read you are handwriting."
      “You are” does not make sense in this sentence, so you should use “your.”
  • Try not to think that proper writing is strictly "academic". It makes you appear more intelligent. More importantly, it eliminates the risk of bad habits "slipping out" in situations in which it is critical to convey properness, such as writing a college essay or a job résumé.
  • Just remember "You're not spelling your words correctly," and it all falls into place.
  • While acceptable in text messaging, the increasingly popular "ur" should never be used in writing.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sand Mountain in November!

Here are some great pictures of us in November at Sand Mountain. You know, the week of Thanksgiving. That's always the time to go on a trip, right? Just before a major holiday where you spend 20 hours in the kitchen... Luckily, we just had to go to our neice Tami Hawe's house and she provided a lovely meal. I, of course, took Pretzel Salad. (I knew you wanted to know that.)

All of us on little hill. Lisa, Sam, Cheryl (in back) and Robert.

Misha. Now don't you just feel so sorry for her. She always wants to be out with us. But, she gets to be such a mess in all that sand!!

Lisa & Sam! Aren't they cute?

Monday, January 19, 2009

They say it's your Birthday, Shout Hooray!

So Sharon, I hope you don't mind my sharing these "vintage" pictures of you!! They are really fun. Here you are working on a fabulous hair do!!

This one shows your "unique" style!!

Easter with Grandma Jones. We look so happy, don't we???

This is Sharon (the kitty on the right) doing a roadshow at the church. I think Rhonda is in this one too. You'll have to let us know if that's true Sharon. I hope you have a great birthday! You're an amazing person!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Phylis and Taylor!

I confess I have no idea if I spelled Phylis' name correctly or not. I probably got it wrong. This is a picture I took when we celebrated Grandma Maxine Jones' bd in 2004! WOW! That was a long time ago. But, these two sure are adorable!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Go Utes!!!!

I just wanted everyone (just in case you did not know) to be informed that the University of Utah Utes won the Allstate Sugar Bowl this year in New Orleans. Here is a photo of my buds Matthew, Hema, Dallin and I the moment it became official that we were the winners. These boys are some of my best friends (Mattew and Hema have been together almost two years and Dallins boyfriend Ryan was at the game). Not only did we win this game, we dominated this game. I mean eight sacks against the quarterback John Parker Wilson. Amazin'! Roll Utes, take that Alabama! And just as a side note, Chris was there for all of the festivities. He said that all of the Alabama fans were very gracious losers for the most part (unlike BYU fans when the Utes killed them). Go Utes!!!