Friday, March 13, 2009

We're still celebrating your birthday, Patti!

Okay, this pic is a day late, but worth the wait!! I'm not sure how old my adorable sister is in this pic, but she's a cutie! Hope you like this picture!!! Happy Birthday, Patti!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunt Patti!

Today, is the day Patti celebrates her birthday special birthday before her 50th!! (How do you like the way I am letting you know she's 49?!?!) I looked for a pic of Patti and I, but didn't have one close by. So, check back tomorrow and you'll see a good one! Happy Birthday Patti!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Amazing Race 14 - Meet Margaret and Luke

Okay, this is one of the teams that is on The Amazing Race right now. I would be happy if this team won!! They were a little surprising last night in their actions. But, it goes to show they understand it's a game not personal. It reminds me of Rob and Amber! I was cracking up at all the team members who didn't know who the Russian Author was. Mostly cuz that's really embarassing. (I know, I wouldn't know it was.) I kept saying to the tv, think Star Trek, think Star Trek!!!! Looking forward to next weeks episode!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Isn't this the sweetest!

You know those e-mails that go around with adorable pics on them? I got one from Patti and several of the pics are going to show up here. They are so great. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weeping & Wailing, & Gnashing of Teeth!

Okay, you're probably wondering what the heck is up with that title! Well, Kara had a very bad day on Monday. She was scheduled for a procedure/test (colonoscopy) March 2nd. She prepped on Sunday (which we all know is the absolute worst part) and barely survived. On Monday, we got up, went to the hospital and checked in at 9:30 AM. She hadn't eaten since Saturday night, which for an 18 year old is a very long time!! We got all settled in, the nurse had a little trouble finding a vein for her iv. They called another nurse over and she got it on the first try. Wahoo! (Mostly wahoo from Kara!) Then it was wait her turn. We both read until they wheeled her into the "room". I went out in the waiting area and chilled until called back in after the procedure. When I got to Kara they mentioned she was having a little trouble waking up. Well, that turned out to be only part of the problem. She started crying, hyperventilating, twitching and not being able to talk to us or open her eyes. (I was starting to have major dejavu and didn't really like it!!) Well, I immediately called Robert and he came over. Then for 2 hours this went on!! They tried to get a blood gas from her, it took me, the nurse, the cna, and Robert to hold her down to get the draw!! She was thrashing about and not cooperative at all!! (Can't say as I blame her, they hurt!) They came back and tried to do a second one. I had to leave the room. Robert helped, but they couldn't get it. She was too agitated. So, her GI Doctor comes in and sees her, and he lifts her eye lids and her eyes are looking different directions. His question to me was "Can she normally do that?" Are you kidding me??? I told him, not that I know of!!! So, with her history after having her gall bladder removed (remember that story?) they were ready to admit her. They were calling in other doctors to evaluate her, blah, blah, blah. It had already been decided she was having a paradoxical reaction to Verced. (the medication they use for sedation) Well, at the end of those 2 hours, Kara opened her eyes and began being present with us. I'm telling you it was an AWFUL 2 hours. She doesn't remember any of it because the med apparently gives you amnesia!! (Lucky for her) She didn't have to stay in the hopsital, got to come home and was finally able to eat something. We got home about 6:00 PM. It was a really long day. But all is well and there didn't seem to be anything bad on the test. Wahoo!